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Heavy Equipment

Heavy Construction Equipment Remuneration Report 2023

Over the last three years, the Heavy Equipment and Powered Access industry has seen unprecedented change and the impact of various world events shows no sign of slowing, the talent pool within the sector is highly saturated, however with new challenges come new demands, and as we end 2022 in a cost-of-living crisis, compensation packages are of utmost importance for many.

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2022 Trends for the Heavy Equipment Sector

The Heavy Equipment sector has felt the pressure from the ever-ongoing supply chain issues that have plagued the world market since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as other global challenges its had to overcome this year. As 2022 begins to open the curtain on its final act - many will start to look ahead to the new year and a new branch of challenges. However, there is still much of 2022 left, and we believe these trends will dominate the sector for the rest of the year.

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